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Medical Technology.

We develop innovative solutions for plant engineering in the field of medical technology. From project planning and design to production and assembly planning. 

Plant construction for medical technology is accompanied by numerous demanding requirements for the designers. In addition to the utilization of complex filtration technology, processes must be organized under cleanroom conditions, ensuring complete sterility. Moreover, high quantities impose significant mechanical demands on machines and feeding systems, necessitating high-precision assembly processes.

Our team is well aware of the challenges in this environment and is equipped to develop innovative solutions. We adhere to all regulatory requirements with utmost diligence. Additionally, risk analyses, system specifications (FS, HDS, SDS, R&I / EMSR scheme), technical equipment, documentation of quality-relevant requirements, and GMP are integral components of our work

Examples of assembly system designs in the field of medical technology:


Buffer storage for dialysis filters


Drip chamber assembly plant


Drip chamber assembly plant

We supply key technologies for your production:


Design of battery and system assembly plant engineering


Plant engineering for end-of-line test bench technology for battery cells, battery modules, and packs


Test systems, electrical design, PLC, and test bench software 


Marcello Forcini

Sales Manager Engineering

T   +49 751 36656-180
M  +49 151 16589655

h-kon GmbH

Theodor-Krumm-Str. 18
D-88213 Ravensburg
Tel.  +49 751 36656 - 0
