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h-kon master.

The h-kon master is the universal testing solution for battery cells, modules and packs.

Thanks to the system-integrated high-end measurement technology and industry-proven PC-based control technology with integrated safety control, the h-kon master is ideal for individual measurements, small series and fully automatic test systems.

The h-kon master has HV and LV interfaces in the control cabinet housing. The test object is contacted via a cable set that enables both manual and automatic contacting.

With the h-kon scan test software, the tester forms a complete test system and fulfils all test requirements. 

h-kon scan includes all software modules for testing cells, modules and packs and can be expanded for special customer requirements.

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Function overview:


  • Scan entry 
  • Capture Data Matrix Code, create label 
  • Incoming goods inspection 
  • Insulation test 
  • Dielectric Strength test 
  • Dimensions measurement 
  • Power pulse, calculate DC IR 
  • OCV measurement 
  • Temperature measurement


  • RFID, Data Matrix code capture 
  • Power pulse, calculation DC IR 
  • OCV measurement 
  • SOC alignment 
  • CAN + SPI communication 
  • E-Prom flashing 
  • HV test 
  • Insulation test, dielectric strength test 
  • Conditioning 
  • Camera Process monitoring 
  • Data transfer to MES 


  • RFID, Data Matrix code capture 
  • Power pulse, DC IR calculation 
  • OCV measurement 
  • SOC alignment 
  • CAN + SPI communication 
  • E-Prom flashing 
  • HV test 
  • Insulation test, dielectric strength test 
  • Conditioning 
  • Camera Process monitoring 
  • Check dimensions 
  • Recording weight 
  • Data transfer to MES 

Technical specifications:

h-kon master 030

25 kW +/- 10% for 200 seconds

Voltage range:
5...100 V

Source current:
250 A, max. 350 A (200 sec.)

Sink voltage:
120 V

Sink current:
-250 A, max. -300 A (200 sec.)

h-kon master 125

125 kW +/- 30% for 60 seconds

Voltage range:
5...1,000 V

Source current:
278 A, max. 430 A (25 sec.)

Sink voltage:
20...1,000 V

Sink current:
-278 A, max. -430 A (25 sec.)

h-kon master 250

250 kW +/- 30% for 60 seconds

Voltage range:
5...1,000 V

Source current:
375 A, max. 450 A (25 sec.)

Sink voltage:
20...1,000 V

Sink Current:
-375 A, max. -450 A (25 sec.)

h-kon master 500

500 kW +/- 30% for 60 seconds

Voltage range:
5...1,000 V

Source current:
1,000 A, max. 1,200 A (25 sec.)

Sink voltage:
20...1,000 V

Sink current:
-1,000 A, max. -1,200 A (25 sec.)
