h-kon GmbH
A Schulz Group company
Theodor-Krumm-Str. 18
D-88213 Ravensburg-Erlen
Tel. +49 751 36656 - 0
Mail: info@h-kon.de
Location: Ravensburg-Erlen
Management: Roland Arnold
Local court Ulm, HRB 72 05 91
Ust-ID-Nr.: DE 814 772 271
The h-kon GmbH compiles the contents of these Internet pages with great care and ensures that they are regularly updated. Nevertheless, the information provided is for non-binding general information purposes only and is no substitute for detailed individual advice. We reserve the right to make changes at any time. h-kon GmbH does not guarantee that the information on these pages is up-to-date, correct and complete, or that they can be accessed without disturbance at any time. When we refer to Internet pages of third parties (links), h-kon GmbH does not accept any responsibility for the contents of the linked pages.
All texts, images and other works published on the website are subject to the copyright of h-kon GmbH, unless otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, transmission, broadcasting, reproduction or forwarding of the contents without the written permission of h-kon GmbH is expressly prohibited.
Data protection:
We take the protection of personal data very seriously and comply with the relevant legal regulations. You can find more details on this in our data protection declaration → Privacy Policy.
Genereal conditions of purchase:
The General Terms and Conditions of Purchase of k-kon GmbH (as part og the Schulz Group) can be downloaded here as a PDF document, can be requested free of charge from h-kon by telephone, fax or post, or are available for inspection at the offices of h-kon.
Design & Development:
h-kon GmbH
Theodor-Krumm-Str. 18
88213 Ravensburg, Germany
Tel. +49 751 36656 - 0
h-kon GmbH
Theodor-Krumm-Str. 18
D-88213 Ravensburg
Tel. +49 751 36656 - 0
→ Legal notice
→ Privacy policy
© 2023 _ h-kon